Finaly I was able to attend a show, this time clubshow in Taulov with Karel, Wendy and Koda. I hoped to send Karel home to Czech Rep. with a danish champion title, and we did succeed to do just that. Frederikke was the brilliant handler at the end of the leash on all 3 dogs, and she did an amazing job. Koda and Wendy were there to get familiar with the showring and all the circus that follows. They did great so even though the judges did not love them as much as I, they did a pretty good job.
Karel was a super pro and did amazing with Frederikke. First show was a judge loving another type than Karel, so he ended up with res. cac. Show 2 he did get a lot of love and winning both class, best veteran and best male and BOS, that including cac, veteran club cac and veteran cac, so he did win his DKCH title with style. He also ended up BIS2 Veteran, and BIS1 for all the BOS winners.
