OMG Vida and I ended up as 2nd in the weekends national championship in Rally Advanced class!!! Totally surpiced we were announced as runner up to the title :-D We started out in 1st round and did ok - only 2 points drawn so ended up with 98 points. Not bad, but in this company it was 8th best only, since 7 did a 100 points round!!
Second round new course, new judge and the best starts last, so Vida and I were 3rd in the trial. It was a difficult one with 2 times running (see drawing below) which is not our strong side ;-) but we did ok. No fatal mistakes but not our best run... so I was very excited to see the points, but we don't get them until we were placed in the end of the day!!
I was expecting ending up as 7th or 6th, because I saw most of the others, so imagine my surprice when I wasn't called untill 2nd place :-D total 195 points so I am soo proud of my little showdog being a much better rally and obedience dog than I could ever hope for !!