1 week has passed and all 8 puppies are getting bigger and fatter everyday just as they are supposed to. Vida is a great mom as always, and she is doing great also. She is already out of the house on 2 daily walks alone with me, so she is really cool mom, but hurrying back as soon as we turn our direction to home ;)
Hearthaven Love On Repeat "Demi" BMF
Hearthaven Second Time Around "Matrix" BTM
Hearthaven Twice Is Better "Hacker" BMM
Hearthaven Same But Different "Stellar" RTF
Hearthaven Once Again "Landon" RTM
Hearthaven Set To Repeat "Dalton" BMM
Hearthaven Version Two Point O "Gracie" RTF
Hearthaven Copy Paste "Striker" RMM